
What made you start pole classes?
I was looking for a different sport to get into after winding back on water polo.  I thought it would be good fun to try it out with some mates, I was instantly addicted. 

How does PoleFit make you feel about yourself?
Many things, it makes me realise how uncoordinated I was to begin with, but it makes me feel proud that I'm getting control of my body. I still have moments where I don't know my left from my right but that's always improving :) 

How long do you see yourself pole dancing for?
Hopefully for a very long time. I had a break for two years and the moment I got back into it I regretted ever stopping. I WON'T be making that mistake again! 

What keeps bringing you back to Studio Verve?
The lovely teachers, students and friends I've made along the way, everyone at the Studio is so welcoming and supportive... And little Tinky! I Love that cutie pie. (Check out the adorable bow tie that Alicia made for Tinky on our Facebook Page here

What is your 2016 pole goal?
Improve strength and core stability, to be able to shoulder mount V and handspring.