Meet Kasia - Our Double Doctor!
How has life changed for you since the lockdown has been put in place?
It's definitely been a bit of an adjustment. Unfortunately, I lost both of my casual jobs due to the lockdown which was pretty daunting with thoughts of paying rent, bills, etc. and all my studies were moved online. I'm currently studying Medicine and I already have a PhD so I'll be a double doctor soon but I consider myself lucky that I've managed to find alternatives, and online lectures are helping me remember what day of the week it is. I think those have been the biggest changes, otherwise simple things like going outside, meeting up with friends, seeing family; I definitely miss seeing everyone in person and not having to panic if someone stands next to me outside.
How are you coping and do you have any tips to share?
I think living with my partner and a friend has really helped as we can still be social with each other. I've also found that setting clear boundaries for when you do work/study and when you relax is also important and helps separate work and home life. Keeping up "home-life" and hobbies is also really important! I've still been making sure I take time to watch Netflix, read a book, do some crochet, and just relax :)

We've noticed you've become one of our live-stream regulars. What's inspired you to join these classes?
In part, I really wanted to support the PA team. I straight away bought a 10 pack of virtual classes, without being sure I would be able to attend all of them with my schedule but it was already paid for so I was happy to contribute to keeping the business going. Thankfully my schedule hasn't been too hectic and these classes have ended up being one of the highlights of my week! I love seeing everyone's faces and even though I have a pole at home, it's not the same without Jen yelling at you to motivate you haha!
Have our live-stream classes inspired you to try something new?
Yes! I had never done any Exotic or Floor-work classes before and they've been amazing! Onyx is a fantastic teacher with the most infectious laugh ever. My leg waves and rolls have never looked better :)

What are your favourite classes and why?
When we're not in lockdown, I always love the PoleFit classes and have always had great (but painful!) memories of Carmen's stretch classes, but now I've really been making use of the enhancement classes and doing a lot of Onyx's Floor-work and Exotic. I'm keen to jump into Carmen's online stretch classes and some Handstands too because they were always amazing at the studio and I have complete faith that even in a virtual class the instructors are looking after us.
Have you noticed any mental, physical or emotional benefits as a result of our live-stream classes?
Absolutely! I think one of the biggest benefits has been mental/emotional. It gives me something extra to look forward to in the week and having a time commitment really helps me break away from my desk and get me up and moving and I just love seeing everyone's faces.

How have our live-stream classes helped you maintain your fitness goals?
I was really motivated on my own to use my home pole in week 1 of the lockdown but then I slowly lost motivation. Having these classes has really helped me keep up my training and I don't think I've ever done so much cardio before!
How easy have you found it to follow VIRTUAL classes online?
It's super easy! The instructors are all great at demonstrating and explaining what each class involves and it's always easy to ask questions.
Who do you think would benefit from joining one of our live-stream classes?
Everyone! Even if you haven't done Pole before, the studio has so many amazing classes to get you moving and sweating and there's always laughter!

Since the lockdown have you developed any new mindsets, habits or thoughts? If so, how will you adopt these back into 'normal' life?
I'd like to think I've been a bit less stressed and gotten better at accepting that there are things out of my control, and I've been trying to continue life as "normal" as much as possible. This has helped me stay on top of uni work and I've made sure I still have time for some hobbies and relaxation. I also don't think I've ever had so much time to pursue my fitness goals and I would love to continue this after lockdown!
What 3 things are you grateful for right now?
1. My amazing partner/housemate who has been very supportive.
2. My friends and family for also being supportive and always having time for a video chat.
3. My endless shelves of books and crafts to keep me busy during this time haha
4. And a sneaky fourth, Pole Athletica for continuing their amazing standards in online classes for all of us