RSPCA Cupcake Day

Pole Athletica Blog

A huge thank you for your generosity and support. Not only did we hit our target, we doubled it by raising a whopping $1000!!!

Protein Pancakes

Pole Athletica Blog

Protein Pancakes - Not Just for Sunday Brunch

Pancakes aren't just for Sunday brunch. With the right mix, pancakes can provide your body with ridiculous amounts of protein and healthy carbs.


Paleo Blueberry and Banana Pancakes

Pole Athletica Blog

How can you make banana pancakes even better? Add BLUEBERRIES!

This recipe is quick and easy, and will have you coming back for more. The best part? They're paleo friendly!


  • 3 organic egg whites beaten
  • 1 banana
  • 20 blueberries
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • Honey (to serve)


Easy & Delicious Overnight Bircher Recipe

Pole Athletica Blog

With the crazy hot weather we’ve been having in Sydney the last thing you want to do in the morning is eat a hot breakfast. What’s a Verver to do? This Overnight Bircher recipe is the answer!

As fancy (and delicious!) as it looks it’s not difficult to make and will keep for 1-2 days in the fridge. Just keep in mind that as it is “overnight” you will do most of the prep work the night before you eat it.

Super Healthy, Delicious Carrot Cake

Pole Athletica Blog

This carrot cake is both healthy and delicious. It's takes a little while to bake, but it's easy to make and is well worth the wait! It also freezes well, so you can keep some one hand for morning tea or an afternoon snack. 

Add your own spin on the recipe by adding raisins to the cake mix or topping with chopped walnuts. The cake keeps in the fridge for up to 5 days and it freezes well too, so there's no need to share if you don't want to. ;)


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